Anja & Viktor - I medgang og modgang (2008)

User Reviews

This is the fifth title in the series of Anja And Viktor. The movie continues where the last one left off, Anja and viktor has no money, no home, and no real income, but they are happy. but still they want to get back to there former life in the middle of Copenhagen so they desperately hire Anjas friend Gitte's boyfriend Buster who is studying to become an attorney to be there lawyer as they try to sue the people who kicked them out of there former apartment, but with no luck the now have to pay 1 million DK to get the apartment, so in a desperate act Viktor signs them up to a reality show called: I Medgang & Modgang ( till death do us apart) where they have to com peat against another couple about a wedding and 1 million Dk kroner, but he does it without telling Anja.

A lot of critics in Denmark has said this movie is really bad and they should stop doing them, but i disagree, the movie is funny, and has a lot of funny moments, if you are a suckers for romantic movies, this is one to go watch with the girlfriend!

Watch Anja og Viktor - I medgang og modgang (2008) : Full Length I 'Anja og Viktor – I medgang og modgang', den femte Anja og Viktor-film, er parret kommet i pengemangel. De bor sammen med deres lille datter i vennernes ramponerede øvelokale i Sydhavnen, men da kommunens ivrige mand afslører dem i at bruge øvelokalet som bolig, og de nu regulært står på gaden, hvis de ikke skaffer penge til lejligheden, er familien i en presset situation.

Release Date : Sep 12, 2008
Runtime : 100 minutes
Genres : Comedy
Production Company : Regner Grasten Film
Production Countries : Denmark
Casts : Sofie Lassen-Kahlke, Robert Hansen, Karl Bille, Jonas Gülstorff, Mira Wanting, Johannes Lilleøre, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Vicki Berlin, Amalie Bruun, Helena Faurbye Løfgren, David Petersen

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